
Thursday, June 11, 2020

Taiwanese 粉圆

COVID - 12

My husband likes traditional kueh-kueh, deserts and chewy chewy stuff - just opposite to mine. But anyways, as a dutiful wife :) , I try to make some ...
Recently on the internet, I found this recipe for "Taiwanese 粉圆" and tried it. It was quite simple and should be a keeper. The entire video could be found on this attached Youtube channel. Do visit for clarity on the steps...

Ingredients :
For the Taro balls/ sweet potato balls
100g of taro/ sweet potato, mashed
30g of tapioca starch
10g of rice flour
2 tsp (for taro)/ 1.5 tsp (for sweet potato) of sugar
30 - 50 ml of water

For the syrup
250ml of water
A few pieces of ginger
50g of brown sugar

Method :
For the taro/ sweet potato balls
1) Cut the taro/ sweet potato into smaller pieces and steam till soft. Mash them and set aside.
2) Mix the sugar into the mashed taro/ sweet potato.
3) Pour in the flours and mix well.
4) Add the water over a few times. Knead the mixture till it becomes a pliable dough.
5) Roll the dough into a longer strip and cut into smaller pieces. Shape the dough into your liking. Set it aside.
6) Prepare a pot of boiling water.
7) Pour all the taro/ sweet potato balls into the boiling water and boil for a few minutes till all of them float on water. Continue boiling for another minute.
8) Off the fire and quickly transfer the balls into cool water.

For the syrup
1) Boil the water and ginger slices together. Add the sugar to taste.

To serve, scoop the cooled taro/ sweet potato balls into a bowl and drizzle with sufficient syrup. Can be served hot or cold.

After thoughts :
1) For the dough - water must be added slowly as you knead the dough and feel its texture. If it is too dry and flaky, add water. If it is too wet and sticky, add some flour. The key is to add slowly and limited amount at a time.
2) Could have add more sugar into the dough as the balls tasted bland.