
About Me

I am a typical fortunate lady from the modern society - plenty of studies with little need to help out in household chores. Needless to say, none of the cooking in the house.

However, since young, I just love to see the Aunties busying in the kitchen and making little cookies and what-nots, especially nearing the Chinese New Year.

Still no chance of cooking as I grow older, or, perphaps put it the other way, I also have lots of other more important things to do... hanging out with friends, shopping, watching movies, fulfilling my ECAs in school and so on.

I married young (in today's context) at mid-20s. I see alot of advantages of getting into marriage that young. No, I don't think it tied me down. In fact, currently I am still young with three kids. At least, my energy level is still sufficient to cope with them and think about it, when my eldest goes into 21 years old, I am not even 50 ! Hey, great isn't it?

After marriage and having my own kitchen, I decided to venture into cooking. Cooking simple food for two. Of course, like what I always tell others, cooking is an experiment. You gotto try it out and then you will realise the correct concoction to your taste. Then, kid came along and my cooking is still limited to simple foodfare, nothing fanciful and because I don't have TIME....

This carried on for a good ten years and as I am fortunate (like what I mentione earlier on), I was able to leave the workforce and pay more attention to my school-going kids. I went into my new 24/7 worklife...

But it is also now that I am able to try many other things that I did not have the chance to BUT just simply dream of it. I started to BAKE and cook slightly more exotic food. With my new dreams fulfilled, I thought I would like to share my excitement and document the recipes for all and of course, myself to remember and refer to.