
Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Almond Jelly

I, personally, do not like the overwhelming smell/ taste of almond milk. If you have the same aversion as me, try this out ! It will definitely make you eat almond jelly from now on (of course, probably these homemade ones only). And to top it off, this is one of the simplest desserts to make and everybody will simply love it !

Ingredients :
(enough to fill 35 to 40 plastic containers of diameter about 7cm)

1 Bottle of almond syrup
1 can of evaporated milk (usually I will buy Full cream milk)
1 packet of agar agar powder (White)
2 cans of longans
1 cube of rock sugar (size about 3-4cm cube)
1.5 - 1.75 litres of water


Method :
1) Boil the water and let the rock sugar dissolve completely in the water.
2) At the meantime, prepare your plastic containers and put 2 longans into each container.
3) If the sugar mixture is boiling, turn the fire down and slowly pour the agar agar powder in the water. Keep stirring the water as you pour so that the powder gets dissolved quickly in the water and not become lumpy. As the agar agar powder gets dissolved in the water, you can turn the fire up again.
4) Pour in the entire can of evaporated milk.
5) Next, pour in the almond syrup and let the mixture heat for about a minute. Turn off the fire.
6) Fill up your containers with the completed mixture.

After notes :
1) You do not need to wait for the mixture to boil as the milk and syrup can actually be readily consumed. There was once when I left it to boil and I realised that the milk and almond taste have somehow evaporated away.
2) Leave the jelly out in the open but not too airy a place to harden up. There was once I left it in a place where it was very windy and the jelly could not solidfy at all.

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