
Sunday, January 7, 2018

Banana Cake

Wah ! I realised that I have not updated my blog for many years.... Many things have happened... I shifted to a rental place and guess what ? I do not have a proper oven to bake ! Subsequently, I came back to my own place and rectification to the renovation works were horrendous ! It took more than 6 months !

It was then I realised that some of my recipes have gone missing ... I decided to be more active and put the recipes on the blog so that I can refer to them every time I need.

Banana cake is one of the very few cakes that I bake and like to eat. For your info, there are many cakes that I bake but do not eat :) . It's not that the cakes were not nice but I generally do not eat cakes ==> no sweet tooth.

I found this very interesting recipe from Baking Taitai  The recipe looked very easy and the cakes were appealing. I decided to give it a try. They turned out very well! Just the type I like -- soft, moist and full of banana flavour!

Recipe is repeated here just in case the website is down ...

Ingredients :

(makes 19 cupcakes of 6cm diameter or 8" round tin)

3 eggs (55g each, room temperature)
125g brown sugar
200g ripe banana (cut into small cubes) 
150g cake flour
1/2 tsp baking powder
1/4 tsp baking soda
100g sunflower oil

Method :

1) Sieve cake flour, baking powder and baking soda together twice before setting it aside
2) Use electric whisk to whisk eggs and sugar at maximum speed till ribbon stage before missing the banana till well combined. (This would ensure light and fluffy texture)
3) Fold in flour using bare and clean hand for about 2 to 3 times (using hand instead of spatula will ensure that the flour is folded in evenly)
4) Add in oil (it is alright at this stage if you still see flour, the purpose is to let the flour absorb the oil) and continue folding with your hand till the mixture is shiny and flowy.
5) Scoop batter into muffin cups till 80% full.
6) Bake in pre-heated oven at 160deg top and bottom heat, for about 17-20 minutes or until skewers inserted comes out clean.

Notes :
1) If baking in 8" round tin, baking time should be about 40 - 45 minutes or until skewer comes out clean

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