
Friday, May 13, 2022

Sourdough Focaccia

I have been wanting to learn the making of sourdough bread for the longest time as many have told me about the healthier benefits as compared to instant-yeasted bread. Finally, found one place that fits my time and the syllabus sounds right - TBB (Tiong Bahru Bakery).

Finally I have my sourdough bread!

But, it didn't seem very well received at home due to the "tougher" crust. So I went in search of variations for sourdough and I found a sourdough focaccia recipe on an Instagram account that I was following ( and it was a hit!

250g bread flour
65g levain (feed starter 1:1:1 and proof 3 hours)
5g sea salt
185-190ml water
15g butter
100g mozzarella

15-18 cherry tomatoes, rinsed and halved
4-5 tbsp roasted garlic oil
6-8 clovers roasted garlic, smashed
small bunch of basil, torn

1) Mix all the dough ingredients together. Leave for 30 mins
2) Coil fold and repeat for 3 more times every 30 mins.
3) Place dough on baking dish greased with garlic oil. Stretch out the dough and leave it to proof for 2-3 hours.
4) Drizzle with garlic oil and dimple the dough. Add cherry tomatoes, roasted garlic & cheese
5) Bake 25-28 mins at 215degrees. Remove and add basil.

1) Again, my oven has to be at about 200deg
2) I proof my levain for more than 3 hours as my starter is taken out directly from the fridge 


Garlic Butter Spread

Nothing beats homemade.

Recently, I chanced upon a recipe/ simple write-up on how to make garlic spread. Seeing that it was so easy, I decided to give it a try and yes! It was very simple and tasted so much better and flavorful than store bought ones. 

<Photo pending>

4 whole cloves of garlic
120g of butter
Salt (to taste)
Parsley/ Oregano/ Rosemary/ Basil (to taste)

1) Heat oven to 190degrees.
2) Cut the top of the entire clove of garlic so that the raw garlic is exposed.
3) Place the four bulbs of garlic onto aluminium foil. Drizzle olive oil all over the garlic.
4) Wrap the garlic up in the foil and roast for about 45 min.
5) Remove the roasted garlic and mash them.  
6) Beat the butter till slightly creamy.
7) Add the mashed garlic, salt and herbs. Continue to mix till well. 
1) The recipe only calls for about 2 bulbs of garlic but I prefer my spread to be more garlicky, so I doubled the amount of garlic.
2) For my oven, 180degree is enough at 40 min

Tuesday, January 4, 2022

Corn Fritters

One day, my friend was invited on radio to share about a simple easy recipe that she would recommend to the listeners. So, she introduced her Corn Fritters which she had done endless time and were well received. 

I obtained the recipe from her here. Do visit her page too as she had a video demonstrating how to fry the fritters as well.

I am repeating the recipe here for easier reference.


1 ear of corn, sliced to remove kernels
1 cloves garlic, finely chopped
10 shallots, sliced
1 stalk spring onions, sliced
1 stalk Chinese parsley, sliced
1 big chilli, removed seeds and sliced (optional)
1 egg
1 tbsp oil
3 heaps of tbsp self raising flour
3 heaps of tbsp rice flour
50ml water (approximately)
1 tbsp fish sauce
Half tsp salt
Half tsp chicken powder
Pepper to taste


1. Mix all ingredients together.
2. Using a tablespoon, scoop a spoonful of mixture and shallow fry at medium heat. Slightly pressed the heaped mixture flatter so that it cooks easier.
3. Drain oil before serving.
4. Double fry for crispier taste.

Notes :
1. After the first time, we found that the taste resembles Korean pancakes. So, we innovated it to the pancake too



Feeding a family of seven is really no joke, especially when they want to eat pizzas. That would always amount more than $100 per meal! Thought that I should try to make some myself.

Searched up the reliable Google, and wa-la! I found it! 

Yes! One of my good to page @ieatishootipost

So long the pizza base is good and fresh, the toppings can be changed and adjusted to individual preference.


500g bread flour
1 tsp yeast
1 tbsp sugar
1 tsp salt
400ml water

Pizza toppings
Semolina flour and extra bread flour for dusting
Olive oil
Mozzarella cheese
Parmesan cheese
Toppings of your choice

1 can tomato sauce or whole peeled tomatoes
2 tsp Italian herbs
1 tbsp tomato paste


1.  Mix flour, yeast, sugar and water together in a bowl until there is not more dry flour.  It should be a shaggy ball.  Add salt and rest for 20mins.
2.  Knead for 10mins by hand or using a mixer (if kneading by hand reduce water to 360ml)
3.  Turn out the dough onto a floured tabletop and shape into a ball.  Cover with damp cloth and rest for 45 mins.
4.  Divide into four, ball and placed in oiled container.
5.  Leave on table to ferment till double in size (1-2 hrs) or place in the fridge overnight for extra flavour.
6.  Mix 1/2 cup  bread flour and 1/2 cup semolina flour
7.  Turn out the dough ball and cover with flour mixture
8.  Shape the pizza dough by pushing the air to the rim.  Flatten the centre leaving a 1 cm rim.
9.  Oil the Tefal ingenio pan
10.  Place the dough onto pan and continue to shape the pizza
11.  Oil the rim of the dough
12.  Add tomato sauce to the centre of the pizza
13.  Sprinkle parmesan cheese all over the pizza including the rim of the pizza.  (you want it to melt and cover the outside!)
14.  Sprinkle mozzarella cheese and add your desired toppings
15.   Put the pan into a 225 degree oven and bake for 8 mins.
18.  Option:  To create an even nicer char, using a propane torch to lightly char the rim
19.  Slice into 8 pieces and enjoy

1) For my family, I need to make a double portion. 

Chicken Satay

While searching for recipes for satay, I came across another @ Rasa Malaysia for chicken satay. So, why not? I tried the recipe out. It was also delicious!

I am repeating the recipe for easier reference.


1 kg boneless and skinless chicken, cut into bit sizes
Bamboo skewers (soaked in water)
oil for basting

Chicken Marinade :
3 tbsps oil
2 stalks lemongrass
2 cloves garlic, peeled
6 small shallots, peeled
2 tsps tumeric powder
1 tsp coriander powder
1 tsp chili powder
1/2 tbsp salt (adjust to taste)
2 tbsps sugar or honey

1. Cut the chicken in the bite sizes. Set aside
2. Bland all the Marinade ingredients in food processor. Add water if needed.
3. Combine chicken and marinade together, stir to mix well. Marinate chicken for 6 hours in the fridge or best overnight. When ready, thread 3-4 pieces of the chicken meat onto the bamboo skewers.
4. Grill the chicken satay skewers for 2-3 minutes on each side until the meat is fully cooked and the surface is nicely charred on both sides. Baste and brush with some oil while grilling. Serve hot with peanut sauce, fresh cucumber pieces and onions. 

Pork Satay

 As inflation kicks in, things start to get pricey. A simple satay that used to cost 20cents (in my memories) is now at least 50-70 cents per stick!

I decided to venture into making some myself and searched online for local recipes and chanced on a Hainanese pork satay recipe @ ieatishootipost

I am repeating the recipe here for keeps and easier reference as it was a success at the many rounds of BBQ at home!


1kg of pork (900g meat, 100g back fat) (see notes)

Gp A (Rempah)
150g peeled shallots
20g galangal
1 stalk (white part) lemongrass
30g chili paste
1/2 tsp five spice powder
2 tsp coriander powder
1.5 tbsp tumeric powder
1 tsp sand ginger powder
60ml coconut cream
2 tsp salt
1 tsp MSG (optional)
1 tsp baking soda (optional)

Gp B
200g sugar (see notes)
4 cloves of garlic finely chopped (see notes)
Oil for basting

1.  Slice pork meat into 3cm X 2cm x 0.8cm tiles
2.  Slice pork fat into 3cm x 1cm x 0.5cm slivers
3.  Slice lemongrass and galangal into thin slices and pound till fine
4.  Blend add all the ingredients in Gp A together as finely as possible
5.  Add in sugar and blend till smooth
6.  Finely chop garlic and add to the blended spice paste
7.  Add spice paste to meat and fat separately, massage well and marinade for at least 6 hours or overnight.
8.  Soak bamboo skewers in water
9.  Skewer the meat then fat, meat, fat, meat
10 Brush with oil and set aside.

Gp A (Rempah)
150g peeled shallots
10g peeled garlic
25g lemongrass
15g galangal
3 tbsp cooking oil
100g chili paste
1 tsp cumin powder
15g candlenuts

Gp B
500g roasted peanuts
200ml coconut milk
1 cup cooking oil
80ml assam paste (adjust to taste)
200g sugar (adjust to taste)
1 tsp salt (adjust to taste)

1. Slice lemongrass and galangal finely
2. All all the ingredients from Gp A in a blender and process till smooth
3.  Add rempah into a pot with 1 cup of oil and using low heat fry till the rempah turns dark and the oil is released
4.  Add the rest of the ingredients in Gp B and simmer for 15-20mins until the red oil is seen on the top of the gravy

Grate honey pineapple by hand and set aside.

1. For the pork, I have been using 不见天. It was really a good choice! Recommend to use it.

2. For the past few times, I did not make the peanut sauce as I was lazy. So I have not tried out the recipe yet.