
Sunday, March 21, 2021

Tapioca Kueh


My hubby loves this! He has been pestering me to do this for many many years! I procrastinated.... because this is something that I don't like to eat... :(

ok... finally I relented. Ta-dah !

This was the result from my mother's recipe. As usual, when you get recipes from old folks, they always go by xx bowls of water, some salt, xxx tbsps of sugar, a handful of xxx... there is no scientific measurement! 

So to make these, I had to base on my memory of how big the rice bowl she was talking about, the type of tablespoon she uses and so on... After my trial run, below is my recipe (will still be subject to slight amendments subsequently) 

1 kg of grated tapioca
750 ml of water
300g sugar
500g of grated coconut (for coating)

1) Steam the grated coconut with some salt. Set aside.
2) Mix the grated tapioca, water and sugar.
3) Pour the mixture into container for steaming purposes.
4) Steam for about 20 minutes. Set aside till cool.
5) Cut the tapioca into desired sizes and coat the pieces with the grated coconut

1) When mixture is poured into container for steaming, do not exceed 3 cm in height 

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