
Tuesday, March 9, 2021

Ham and Cheese Bun

 COVID 16 

The COVID situation has lasted longer than what most of us could have ever imagined. 

The habit of purchasing from internet is getting addictive. There are also many many platforms where you can buy all sorts of things. There was this online FB live show that I bought some baking products and learnt how to bake some bread online! To me, the sharing by the chef during the demo was informative and beneficial as some crucial knowledge for bread baking was imparted.

I managed to bake some decent breads after that... The plus point was that the chef had also demonstrated how to use that single bread dough to create into a few different types of bread.

1kg Bread flour
150g Fine Sugar
12g salt
10g yeast
30g milk powder
150g eggs
420ml water
150g Unsalted Butter 

1) Add water into mixing bowl, followed by eggs, flour and milk powder 
2) Next, add salt and sugar, followed by yeast (remember the yeast cannot come into contact with the salt or sugar as it will reduce the yeast's effectiveness)
3) Start the mixer at low speed and mix till all the flour comes into a dough. Then increase to higher speed and knead for about 3-5min or till dough in shiny (elastic dough but window pane stage is not met yet)
4) Add the butter at this moment
5) Start the kneading at low speed again. When no big piece of butter is visible, increase higher speed. Knead till the dough no longer sticks to the bottom of the mixer bowl, then the dough is done. (Apply window pane test)
6) Remove the dough from the bowl and shape the dough into a tight ball (Fold in the edges underneath, pull and shape till dough has a shiny surface). Put the dough into bowl and cover with clingwrap. Place in a warm place. Proof for about an hour / double in size.   
7) Remove the dough and degas
8) Portion out dough into 80g balls.
9) Roll and shape into small balls (seams under). Cling wrap over the balls and proof for 30 min (at this moment, dough will expand a little only. Purpose was only to relax the dough)
10) Use rolling pin and roll out the dough into a squarish shape. Put cheese slice, ham.
11) Fold the dough into about four parts. Seams side up, fold the dough to cover the seam. Pinch down the ends to seal the dough. Holding onto the sealed dough end, use a cutter and slice the dough into half without slicing through the end. Then, open up the sliced part.
12) Proof till double in size
13) Put in oven 200deg 12 min
- For half of the amount required in the recipe above, I could make about 12 hotdog buns (dough size @ 70g)
Flatten dough. Fold 1/3 of dough and fold again. Roll the ends a bit thinner with a fatter middle.



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